Why I write

I have run out of ideas to write about since no huge accomplishments have been made weight loss wise and my camera is currently residing in my medicine cabinet. So I’m using a prompt from a blog I follow and this week’s topic is reflecting on yourself as a writer.
First, I would hardly describe myself as a writer but I guess that’s basically what I’m doing here. Writing my story for everyone to see.
I used to keep journals as a kid, I loved writing and I guess I was ok at it for awhile. I did well in English and won a few awards in school but nothing huge. As an adult my writing came to a screeching halt. I wish I had a journal, especially one full of funny stories from my kids when they were little. All I have now are bag I memories and stories I have told them a million times (I know this because they remind me every time I repeat a story). I’m quickly turning into my father who loves telling us the same stories over and over again.
Something that has returned to me from my childhood in full force is my love of reading. I’m in two book clubs because I’m just that cool, although my attendance record for both clubs isn’t stellar…at least I try. It’s funny because I have read a ton of incredibly thought provoking and meaningful books and my favorite book on the planet is still Mindy Kaling’s “Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? And Other Concerns”. I like to laugh ,who doesn’t) and Mindy fits my exact sense of humor. If I ever did want to be a writer (no plans for that) she would be my inspiration.
So while I have no aspirations to become a famous writer maybe this blog will not just cover my weight loss journey but also give me a way to look back and remember. I guess that’s the short answer, I write to remember. I never expected anyone to ever actually read this but I am grateful for the ones who do. So like I said in my welcome blog, this isn’t just about weight loss, this is about my life and my experiences….hopefully you aren’t bored out of your mind yet.

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